Monday, 14 October 2013

Audience feedback and evaluation-preliminary task/college magazine.

Evaluation of the college magazine

I am satisfied with the quality of my front cover as I believe it is appealing for the following reason, the masthead stands out and looks good with the image especially because it is the same colour as the clothing the student  in the photograph is wearing, I done this by using the eyedropper tool on photoshop. Also the puff I chose to add to the magazine makes it look more professional and advanced as it is a key feature that would be placed on most magazines.

I like the way the masthead 'LSC' is behind the the image I done this by using the eraser tool on photoshop by carefully rubbing out part of the 'C' so it gives the impression that the student is infront of the masthead. In addition to this 'LSC' is quite simply an abbreviation for 'Leyton sixth form college' this is most commonly used by the students at LSC so I decided to name the magazine that as it could make the potential buyers feel more comfortable with the magazine.Furthermore I am pleased with the image I have used as it is a midshot of a student from LSC, representing the college. He looks very engaging and welcoming which would therefore make majority of the students purchase this. Lastly as he is wearing the LSC ID it once again enhances what the magazine is about and what the readers could expect.

What do I need to improve on? I think that I would need to improve the colours I have picked for the text as it may not be easy to read from. Also I could change the layout of of the barcode and LSC logo as it does look out of place therefore if I had experienced more with the software this could of easily be solved. A very important factor that I have missed to add is the price of the magazine although it has a barcode it is essential for it to have to cost on the front cover this way people know how much it is worth.

For the contents page, I have used a lot of informative language so that it is easier for the readers to navigate through the magazine and acknowledge what the magazine has to offer for them. I also have used 3 different images this is to suit people with different interests and give an insight of the college to people who may of been new for example AS students. By doing this I have tried to appeal to different types of audience and their needs. Lastly I have added an information on subscription and this may also draw some readers attention and encourage them to sign up for more issues of the magazine. I designed the contents page on InDesign as we believed that it was the most suitable software for creating a contents page because of the various features it has to offer for example the shapes to insert pictures in and the columns which are especially designed to keep the layout of a magazine sharp.

What do I need to improve on? I need to improve on the layout, and colour scheme because although it is easy to follow it is not as eye catching as I believed it would be, it looks rather plain and has no character to it. However this can easily be solved for instance next time I may decide to use a different coloured background rather than white, which might make it even more interesting to look at.

After reading the audiences feedback the main points I need to explore are: 
  • The choice of colour I have decided to use, as some think that the 'red' I have used on my front cover could be changed and adapted to make the magazine look more alluring.
  • The layout of the contents page and with this I could think again about how I decide where the text goes, for example I could have used to colums instead of one.

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